
The Project

Project Information​


The area under consideration is privately owned lands approximately 2 km from Dungloe off the N56, close to the Doochary turnoff. The project is currently considering a maximum of five turbines, it may be less, each turbine will have a maximum tip height of 90 Meters. When complete it could have an installed capacity of 4.9MW and could generate enough low carbon renewable energy to power 3,300 Irish homes annually and offset 5,200 kg of carbon per annum, contributing significantly to Ireland's 2030 renewable energy targets


Total annual homes powered quoted based on projected capacity, typical projected wind load factor of 32%, and typical annual consumption (4,200kWh). Quoted CO2 emissions abated based on projected annual MWh output and latest average CO2 Emissions (254g/kWh) in the All-Island Single Electricity Market, and published by the CRU in its Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions for 2019, September 2020.